Creating a sustainable future for food packaging supply chains

Mars Foods Australia


Together with Mars and its supply chain, we tackled the problem of excess plastic in food packaging.

Using human-centred design and quantitative analytics, we worked to understand MARS’ challenge, its stakeholder ecosystem and its drivers for change. Balancing the need for large-scale supply and high functionality, we developed a solution to increase sustainability and reduce unnecessary waste.



Plastic has proved to be a serious issue for our planet. Over 3 million tonnes of plastic is produced annually - with only 12% or less in a recyclable form. At the current rate, it's estimated that, by 2050, the amount of plastic waste in the ocean will match the weight of the fish that inhabit it.

There is still time to make real changes and protect our planet's future. In 2021, Australian organisations were called to action by the National Plastic Plan. Businesses around the country began reviewing their practices - increasing recycling rates and phasing out problematic materials.

Mars is proud to be part of the National Plastic Plan. Enlisting our support, they began their journey to cut out plastic - while retaining product performance and customer experience.



Collaborating in teams, we searched for a solution that was plastic-free, high-performance and able to be produced at a large scale.



  • Mapped and quantified the current supply chain from raw materials supply, package manufacture and distribution to end consumers

  • Developed new package feature criteria that balanced economic, environmental and performance needs

  • Analysed Australia's recycling and composting infrastructure

  • Supplied expert advice on environmental and sustainability regulatory requirements and likely future changes

  • Conducted a global review on biodegradable and recyclable material alternatives

  • Engaged a global network of inventors to ideate new package materials and pack design

  • Interviewed key stakeholders and facilitated engagement with the client to achieve new package adoption



With innovation and ingenuity, our team has presented several bespoke packaging options for this plastic-free problem. We outlined plans and budgets for materials and equipment required to make these new packages a reality.

Our deep investigations and engagement with the supply chain established joint ownership of the journey and balanced competing demands. Being able to utilise a global network of experts and advisors in our unique methods meant that Mars' research and development budget was used effectively and efficiently to secure a path to positive change.



viable solutions created


of plastic potentially saved from landfill and waterways per year



Empowered to make positive change, Mars is collaborating with us to develop their new innovation and guide it to market.



  • Supply chain mapping

  • Expert reviews and reports on materials and machinery, life cycle analysis (LCA), and environmental sustainability

  • Ideation and new package design

  • Interview insights and key stakeholder engagement

  • Commercial partner introduction and deal facilitation

  • IP and commercial advice



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