Work Health Safety Policy

This Work Health and Safety Policy (Policy) applies to anyone performing work for THE GROWTH DRIVERS PTY LTD ABN 54 623 912 676 (The Growth Drivers) (you/workers). In this Policy, “workers” includes employees, contractors and volunteers. This Policy sets out work health and safety (WHS) standards, obligations and communications systems to optimise health and safety at work. 


If you fail to comply with health and safety requirements and/or this Policy, disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination of your employment or your engagement, as relevant.


Obligations of The Growth Drivers

We have a duty of care to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health and safety of all workers (including volunteers) while you are at work. We will carry out this duty by way of the following measures:

  • providing and maintaining a work environment without risks to health and safety. In this regard, The Growth Drivers will regularly review the particular factors which could potentially adversely affect your health and safety while at work. We may introduce specific guidelines and measures to address any such factors we identify, with the aim of eliminating or minimising that risk, so far as is reasonably practicable;

  • providing and maintaining safe structures. We will review any information about risks to health and safety in connection with the premises and will communicate to you as and when any risk is posed to your health and safety in this regard. Where necessary, we will make alternative arrangements for you to continue to carry out your work;

  • providing and maintaining safe systems of work;

  • the safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances;

  • the provision of and access to adequate facilities for your welfare at work;

  • providing you with relevant information, training, instruction or supervision that is necessary to protect everyone from risks to their health and safety arising from the work we do;

  • monitoring your health and the conditions of our workplace for the purpose of preventing the illness or injury of any workers arising from the work that we do. This means that we may ask you questions about the conditions of your work station, require you to take part in a workplace station assessment, or ask you general questions about your health, so far as these conditions relate to preventing illness or injury at work; and

  • acquiring and keeping up-to-date knowledge of WHS matters; and

  • ensuring that there are appropriate processes in place for receiving and considering information regarding incidents, hazards and risks.

Obligations of managers

The Growth Drivers’s management at all levels, including all managers and supervisors, have the duty to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the health,
safety and welfare of workers at work. In particular, they are responsible and accountable for:

  • maintaining a working environment that is safe and without risk to health;

  • implementing safe systems of work by ensuring safe products and the systems are utilised;

  • maintaining the workplace, plant, machinery and substances;

  • implementing the information, training, instruction and supervision for workers;

  • identifying any unsafe or unhealthy conditions or behaviour;

  • controlling hazards in the workplace; 

  • ensuring all relevant health and safety laws are complied with;

  • utilising the resources provided for health and safety;

  • ensuring workplace rules, procedures and systems are reviewed and maintained;

  • promoting health and safety in the workplace;

  • maintaining consultative mechanisms; and 

  • taking all other practical measures to ensure the workplace under their control is safe and without risk to health and safety, and that all persons in the workplace take reasonable care to ensure the workplace is safe and without risk to health and safety.

Obligations of workers (including volunteers)

While at work, you must:

  • take reasonable care for your own health and safety;

  • take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other people;

  • comply, so far as you are reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that we give you to allow us to meet our obligations as set out here;

  • cooperate with any of our reasonable policies or procedures relating to health or safety at work, of which we have notified you, such as this one.

  • use all work equipment and furniture in an appropriate manner and in accordance with any instruction/operating manuals;

  • organise your working environment in a manner which does not pose a risk to your own or their colleagues or any other persons’ health and safety;

  • familiarise yourself with the safety procedures set out in this Policy and any others that may be advised by The Growth Drivers from time to time;

  • cooperate with management of The Growth Drivers to ensure all health and safety obligations are complied with, and not refuse any reasonable requests to give or receive aid in respect of any illness or injury or the doing of any act or thing to avoid or prevent a serious risk to health and safety of a person at work;

  • where relevant, ensure that shelving or other space saving devices you use are not overloaded or unstable;

  • actively identify and report any hazards or risks to health and safety (such as worn out or exposed electrical cords, defective office equipment) in your work environment as soon as practicable;

  • immediately report any incident, injuries, work-related illness or “near miss” at the workplace and cooperate by providing a member of management at The Growth Drivers with any information in relation to such incident, injuries, illness or near miss;

  • ensure all health and safety equipment is used correctly and refrain from wilfully or recklessly interfering with equipment or safety measures so as to create a workplace hazard (including not participating in potentially harmful pranks);

  • rectify minor health and safety issues where authorised and safe to do so;

  • cooperate with any health and safety initiative, inspection or investigation; and

  • actively participate in any return to work program (where applicable).


We note that:

  • A safe workplace is more easily achieved when everyone at work communicates with each other to identify hazards and risks, talks about health and safety concerns and works together to find solutions. 

  • Consultation enables workers to contribute to the making of decisions affecting your health and safety at work. Involvement at all levels of the
    business is imperative for ensuring safety at work.

  • With this in mind, The Growth Drivers will, so far as is reasonably practicable, consult with you when you are or are likely to be directly affected by matters relating to work health and safety. This includes consulting with you when we are:

    • identifying hazards and assessing risks to health and safety arising from the work carried out or to be carried out;

    • making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimise those risks;

    • making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for your welfare;

    • proposing changes that may affect your health or safety;

    • making decisions about the procedures for:

      • consulting with you;

      • resolving work health or safety issues at the workplace;

      • monitoring your health;

      • monitoring the conditions at any workplace under the management or control of The Growth Drivers’s business; or

      • providing information and training to you.

  • The Growth Drivers will ensure:

    • the sharing of relevant information about work health and safety matters with you;

    • that you be given the opportunity to contribute, express your views or raise any issues or concerns in relation to any work
      health and safety issue; and 

    • that your views are valued and taken into account.

Remote working, self assessment

At its discretion, The Growth Drivers may (a) permit some workers to work from home or remotely, in its sole discretion, and/or (b) direct you to work from
home if it is not safe for you to work from Company premises. If this applies to you, The Growth Drivers may require you to:

  • accept any training we offer in this regard, including guidance and safety tips about how to properly set up a safe remote work area;

  • maintain contact with us about your remote work area so that any health and safety issues are resolved in the best way to optimise work health and safety; and

  • conduct a regular self-assessment of your remote work area. This will involve you completing a checklist we will set, submitting relevant photos and providing your confirmations that your remote work area set-up is consistent with the training and guidance provided.

In circumstances where The Growth Drivers cannot control a remote working environment, the above represents the reasonably practicable measures that The Growth Drivers will take to ensure your safety when working remotely.

Other people, including visitors

  • The Growth Drivers has a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, that the health and safety of other people (including visitors to our business) is not put at risk from the work we do.

  • Any person who attends our workplace, whether or not they are an employee, must:

    • take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and

    • take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and 

    • comply, so far as the person is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that The Growth Drivers gives to allow The Growth Drivers to comply with its work health and safety obligations.


The Growth Drivers’s policy is to ensure that the workplace is free of alcohol and drugs and complies with laws governing controlled substances. 

Consuming alcohol at work, including during work events, is prohibited unless advised by your manager. You must not be under the influence of alcohol during work hours or on The Growth Drivers’s premises.


If you have any queries or complaints about our Work Health Safety Policy please contact us at:

Level 6, 200 Adelaide St, Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia


Code of Conduct


Anti-Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Policy