Discovering a data sharing vision between insurance, telco & government

CSIRO - Australian Climate Service (ACS)


To inform future-focused policy and investment in resilience and improved Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) decision-making, ACS is tasked with improving collaboration and data sharing between the government and the insurance/telecommunications sectors.

We brought key public and private groups together to identify the barriers and opportunities so that we might develop mutually beneficial solutions.



Governments trying to address DRR either don’t have a comprehensive understanding of the industry’s data capabilities or find it difficult/impossible to access and (re)use industry data for DRR purposes. This is due to:

  • The inherent limitations and challenges of data sharing between many large organisations and different federal and state government agencies

  • The impact climate change has on increasing natural disasters and severity

  • And the sector-specific issues of utility outages as well as insurance unaffordability and under-insurance



A qualitative approach was undertaken to engage with a wide and representative range of stakeholders in the government, insurance industry, telecommunications industry, and state valuers general.



Stakeholders developed an understanding of the value proposition, incentives and barriers for public-private data exchange, could clearly see the opportunities from both perspectives and key stakeholders were enabled to take action and make progress towards data sharing capabilities for DRR.

Interviews, surveys and workshops were conducted to develop tools such as comprehensive current state of data flow diagrams, solution roadmaps, tension framing tools and data tables that detail data exchanges, agreements and incentives. These tools helped us to synthesise and communicate the existing system, present solutions that help the government streamline the flow of data exchanges for industry providers and assist sector leaders in effective communication and improving agreements for the most relevant data that fulfils the needs of the government.



We communicated a comprehensive understanding of the existing data flow and exchange dynamics through detailed visualisations, facilitated discussions about the current state of data sharing, highlighted the tensions and blockers to be mitigated and the opportunities to be understood and explored by stakeholders and equipped them with the knowledge communicated, tools for empathising with other stakeholders and improving the existing methods and new connections to pursue actionable change in the system.



Initial and deep-dive interviews


Workshop participants across telecommunications, state government, commonwealth and insurance sectors


Tools and resources to simplify and communicate the complex system and future opportunities



Industry stakeholders are collaborating with the government to build upon existing projects and work streams, and scale them to national and state levels.

Government stakeholders will use these roadmaps to address the concerns of each sector by establishing an entity responsible for data sharing, developing efficiently constructed agreements and improving communication structures that will help improve the way data is provided for emergency response and DRR. Industry stakeholders and government agencies will share climate and disaster data and models to create a unified, reliable source that will help shared understandings and insights to prosper.



  • Data Exchange maps for insurance and telco sectors

  • Comprehensive data detail tables for insurance and telco data types

  • A cohesive co-designed report on industry-government data sharing

  • Literature review

  • 30+ Interviews with a range of stakeholders

  • Two half-day workshops and 4 surveys across two industries



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