Collaborating with Dairy Australia, we worked to improve environmental practices in Australian farms.
Engaging with 100+ farmers and stakeholders, we used behavioural science to understand on-farm needs, capabilities, motivators, and opportunities. Together, our teams developed initiatives that would realign environmental needs with farm requirements.
The challenge
In recent years, the Australian Dairy Industry has strived to increase sustainability on our farms. Investing in the issues, they developed new initiatives for farmers - including online self-assessment tools, benchmarking initiatives, and extension activities.
Despite their range of offerings, engagement with these tools and resources was low. Farmers across Australia are looking for new ways to tell their story – and ensure their future.
The Project
Working alongside Dairy Australia, our team examined and elevated current tools - amplifying the farmer’s voice and supporting sustainability.
Together, we:
- Defined project intent, scope and requirements
- Engaged 100+ people across the industry through a workshop, survey, interviews, focus groups, and Steering Committee Panel discussions.
- Generated deep qualitative and quantitative insights into dairy farmers’ perspectives
- Expanded the project scope from tool re-design to a comprehensive assessment of the drivers of positive environmental practices
The Result
Partnering with Dairy Australia, we developed programs that responded to the diverse needs of our farmers. Each program includes the redesign of existing tools and a new, unique extension of learning programs.
The Future
Boosted with bespoke tools, Dairy Australia is ready to act with impact. Understanding farmers' needs and developing programs for future funding, Dairy Australia is prepared and positive for the future.
What we delivered
- Mapped data and value exchanges across the supply chain
- In depth analysis of existing environmental practice and farm management tools and data collection systems
- Qualitative and quantitative assessment of farmer needs, motivators, and opportunities
- Weekly co-design sessions with the Core Design Team from Dairy Australia
- Internal and external stakeholder communications materials